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  • Talent Recruitment

    Training Commissioner:
    Number: no limit salary: Negotiable
    Responsible for monthly, quarterly and annual market training plan, responsible for the control of training management system of company, and the agent training system; training project design and development company, and the project evaluation tracking, able to adapt to the business trip.
    Sales elites:
    Recruitment number: no limit salary: Negotiable
    To publicize the company's products, sales products, expand market share, communicate with new customers, maintain old customers, and achieve potential and continuous needs of customers, and complete sales task indicators.
    Physiotherapy Commissioner:
    Recruitment number: 2 salary: Negotiable
    Have certain medical knowledge, understand the knowledge of meridians and physiotherapy, and can respond to questions in customer consultation. You can help explain when you have customer experience.
    For details, please send a resume to teinar@163.com or call 0536-2111617
    贞丰县| 大田县| 平遥县| 林芝县| 河津市| 科技| 聂荣县| 广丰县| 武山县| 石嘴山市| 五家渠市| 铅山县| 墨竹工卡县| 巴马| 措勤县| 澄江县| 长沙县| 收藏| 色达县| 吉林市| 云安县| 彰化市| 绥阳县| 海南省| 阿克陶县| 望城县| 舟山市| 菏泽市| 常熟市| 安福县| 于都县| 偏关县| 抚宁县| 许昌市| 西青区| 信宜市| 尼勒克县| 梅州市| 邯郸县| 涟源市| 石城县|